For all those people who belong to the community of insanity; the round pegs in the square holes, the misfits, the rebels, the people whose heartbeat sound more like dhuk-dhuk than dhak-dhak;
Insane traveller comes to you with an opportunity of meeting a clan of like minded people, a clan of people who all made the same decision of following dreams and overcoming fears.
This time around, share your stories after you ride on one of the highest passes of the world, i.e Khardung la. Ride with us to Ladakh and tick off this big elephant off your list with an added benefit of an insane traveller meet up.
To join, you need to pay a registration amount and go through a short selection process while all other expenses incurred (hotel/guest house, food, bike, fuel) will be transparent and payable on the spot by you.
Meetup Date: August 10, 2018
Last Date of Registration: April 30, 2018
*Registration fee is for our expertise and arranging everything for you.
REGISTRATION AMOUNT: Rs. 2000 for the first 10 people and Rs. 3000 henceforth.
For more info, call our biking baba, Harshit at 9033113751 or leave a mail on [email protected]
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